Graduation Mass – Class of 2022

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Graduation Mass – Class of 2022

Graduation Mass – Class of 2022

School leavers’ mass is always a bitter-sweet moment in the life of our school community. On the one hand, we are happy to see yet another group of Senior 5s successfully completing their secondary education and moving on to another exciting phase in their life, but on the other, we are also sad to part ways with them as they now move on from being St Joseph ‘students’ to ‘alumni’.

Mass was celebrated by our school chaplain, Fr Matthew Pulis who was very much present with the Senior 5s throughout this academic year with his presence, listening ear and question and answer sessions. His homily focused on the figure of St Joseph and compared his life and the trials he had to face with that of a computer game. He spoke of different levels and trials, and how St Joseph managed to succeed in going from one level to another through his faith in God and love for his family.

The students’ themselves participated all throughout the mass by playing the piano and the clarinet, reading during the liturgy of the word and bringing up the offertory. They were supported by a group of teachers who also played the piano and the guitar during certain parts of the mass and also accompanied the music with the singing.

The end of mass was particularly touching with two students beautifully playing ‘Gabriel’s oboe’ and with Sr Riches leading those present in praying the prayer of St Emilie one last time in school.

Following mass, the head of school, Mrs Fleri Soler, delivered her speech in which she took the girls on a memory trip and compared their life to that of a pencil…

Mass was followed by the prize-giving ceremony which saw students being awarded certificates both for their academic achievements and also their values.

At the end of another academic year, it was time to part ways with another group of students, some of whom had been coming to this school since they were 4. However, as Fr Matthew told them in the homily, they can still find a ‘home’ in our community and they can still find us or speak to us, especially when they find themselves in difficult and dark moments in their life.

Whilst wishing them all the very best in their studies and in their new experiences within new communities and with new friends, we ask the Lord and our Lady, together with St Joseph and St Emilie to bless them and keep them in their embrace.

Ms Marielle Catania

Spiritual Activities Coordinator